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From seasoned musicians and singers to beginners just dipping their toes into the music world, everyone is welcome to be part of The Raumati South Community Orchestra.

The title ‘orchestra’ is more than a little tongue-in-cheek. There are no auditions and no prima donnas! It’s pretty much a “three-chords-and-the-truth” approach to group music-making with simple arrangements that won’t leave anyone behind. Musical workshops are held at The Clubrooms, Matthews Park, Menin Road on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Lyrics and chords are projected so everyone is literally on the same page.
Our orchestra consists mainly of ukuleles and mandolins but is inclusive of all instruments and talent levels, offering a musical experience that’s open to everyone whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out. And if you don’t play an instrument come along and sing from a selection of well-known songs in the Community Orchestra songbook.
Download a PDF of the Songbook here.

Photos by Paddy Riley Photography
Being part of the Raumati South Community Orchestra is not just about playing music – it’s about building community, fostering relationships, and having a good time.
If this is your kind of thing we’d love to hear from you!
Contact us for more information or come along to the next workshop.
Click here to view past newsletters.

The Raumati South Community Orchestra is supported by
Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Arts Sustainability Fund.